Born and raised in Chicago, Ray brings a wealth of experience and insight to the world of art. After studying fine art and design at the U of I and IIT, Ray began his long, successful career in advertising, working with some of Chicago's most prominent ad agenies as an art director and creative director. His primary responsibilities included the management of a creative group developing ad campaigns for regional and national clients, along wth the execution and production of print and tv campaigns, winning numerous creative ad awards. Since coming to Florida, Ray never gave up his love for a 'great idea', so he returned to his roots as a fine artist, where he could be free to express his ideas without the demanding constraints of the ad biz.

"While some painters paint the WHAT -
the subject of art, I choose to paint the WHY - the reason for art. One of my favorite original quotes is, 'See WHY you paint - and then paint it'.
As an artist, it is my constant desire to create something new for you to think about, to learn from, to be enlightened and challenged by, to wonder about, question, appreciate and feel something for - to make that connection between you, the artist and the art. And while a work of art may be of no interest to one viewer,
it may very well stir the blood of another. For that reason, and for
this artist, it is all worthwhile."